Current Projects


AMASIA (ImpAct of Mayzent® (Siponimod) on secondAry progressive multiple Sclerosis patients in a long-term non-Interventional study in GermAny) is a multicenter, open, prospective, non-interventional study with the aim to demonstrate the effects of Siponimod (Mayzent®) treatment in SPMS patients in clinical routine in Germany. The study will enroll 1,500 patients at up to 250 centers in Germany over a period of two years, who will be treated with Siponimod (Mayzent®) according to the prescriping information and as part of clinical routine

Study Number:
Novartis Pharma GmbH
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SHAPES (Smart and Health Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems) is an Innovation Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme involving a total of 14 European countries. It aims at creating an integrated IT platform that will bring together a wide range of digital solutions focused on improving the health, wellbeing, and independence of people as they get older. This interoperable Platform will offer a network of large-scale interconnected digital services and products, that will empower older adults, families and caregivers, to solve real and meaningful problems. These solutions are intended for older adults facing a temporary or permanent reduction of functionality and capabilities, but also to help those who are healthy to maintain their health and well-being for as long as possible.
MSDSD Slider2
The Center for Clinical Neurosciences of the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus at TU Dresden and the Carl Gustav Carus Management GmbH c / o University Hospital Dresden commissioned MedicalSyn with the technical operation and support of the MSDS3D system.

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TRUST Slider2
A 3-year, multi-center, prospective, non-interventional study to investigate the impact of integrated patient management including biomarkers, magnetic resonance tomography, and expert advice on disease progression in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis who have been treated with TYSABRI for at least 12 months.

Study Number:
Biogen GmbH
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MDBS Logo Light
MDBS is a medical database system developed by MedicalSyn. Based on more than 10 years of experience in the development and operation of medical-clinical database solutions MDBS provides a multidimensional documentation of clinical parameters associated with external eHealth-devices and data services (e.g. MRT, laboratory data). Furthermore, it allows users to access the entire data situation of patients locally independent and in real time.

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ZEUS Slider2
5-year multi-center, prospective single-cohort non-interventional study documenting the use of Zinbryta® (daclizumab) on patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS) in clinical practice in Germany.

Study Number:

Biogen GmbH

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Coptivity Slider2
COPTIVITY (COPAXONE ACTIVITY STUDY) is a 2-year, open-label, multi-center non-interventional study that evaluates physical and mental activity in patients treated with glatiramer acetate (COPAXONE®) on an outpatient basis. In addition to safety aspects, relapses, and progression of the disease, assessment- and treatment-relevant parameters are acquired, such as disability, fatigue, work ability, quality of life, cognition, and satisfaction with the therapy.


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MSPAths Slider2
MS PATHS stands for Multiple Sclerosis Partners Advancing Technology and Health Solutions. MS PATHS uses advances in technology to generate and collect standardized patient data during routine office visits. Information gathered from patients at participating MS centers will enable research that could potentially lead to new discoveries in MS.

Study Code of Substudy:


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Pangaea1 Slider2
PANGAEA (Post-Authorization Non-interventional German sAfety of GilEnyA in RRMS patients), a prospective, multicenter, non-interventional, long-term study to collect safety, efficacy, and pharmacoeconomic data on RRMS patients treated with fingolimod (0.5 mg/daily) under real-world conditions in Germany.

Study Number:

Novartis Pharma GmbH

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Pangaea2 Slider2
PANGAEA 2.0 (Post-Authorization Non-interventional GermAn treatment benefit study of GilEnyA in MS patients), a non-interventional study on patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) to identify patients with disease activity and monitor their disease course after treatment switch to fingolimod (Gilenya®), an oral medication approved for patients with highly active RRMS.

Study Number:
Novartis Pharma GmbH
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Lemtrada Slider2
TREAT-MS is a non-interventional long-term study to monitor LEMTRADA® therapy in active, relapsing-remitting MS. In this study, the effects of humanized monoclonal IgG 1K antibody therapy on MS-related parameters, such as relapse rate and disability level, as well as patient-relevant parameters, such as cognition, quality of life, and work ability, will be assessed in approximately 3200 RRMS patients examined and recorded from 400 centers in Germany.

Study Number:
Genzyme GmbH
More Information:
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